Juices · Snacks

zucchini pear juice

      I call the kids for snack time and offer them pear juice. Green pear juice? After the first sip, they want more. Had I invited them to sample delicious cucumber pear juice, or zucchini pear and ginger juice, they would have been frowning at me and trying to negotiate some sort of deal that involves a candy.… Continue reading zucchini pear juice

Arquive · Quick Meals · Salad

quinoa cucumber tomato and white bean salad

We were late in planting our (very first!) vegetable garden, so our cucumbers are still popping up and it is already mid-September. The few that are still growing are a little funny shaped.  Not sure if that means extreme heat, lack of water, or both, but I have hope for them – and many more ideas.… Continue reading quinoa cucumber tomato and white bean salad

Sem categoria

to food blog or to keep on cooking quietly in the kitchen?

A while ago, my friend Eryn and I were brainstorming some ideas about what to do with our passion for cooking while our 6 month old babies admired each other on the floor. When she raised whether or not we should write a blog, my initial reaction was no, the world didn’t need another food blog – there are… Continue reading to food blog or to keep on cooking quietly in the kitchen?

Brazilian · Quick Meals · Salad

avocado cucumber and hearts of palm salad

These friends of ours were roasting a Turkey today and invited some people over for something like a Thanksgiving in September. I was told to bring whatever I felt like making – that is usually the best answer I like hearing when I offer to bring something – another chance to experiment or use what… Continue reading avocado cucumber and hearts of palm salad